Vita Squad

Kids eat the fruit and veg, battles against fat, sugar and oil and gain the powers of the fruit and veg they have eaten ...

The fruit and veg gain energy when they sample small amounts of their enemies (fat, oil and sugar) but when they have too much of them they become low in energy and sick. Click. Learn. Join.

Battle started...

  • battle bla-bla-bla:

    Aenean sagittis tortor quis nisl aliquet at rutrum nisi posuere. Ut sollicitudin congue orci sed aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus.

    Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend.Praesent lobortis magna vel diam mattis sagittis.

  • Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!

    Nunc vel tempor nibh. Donec dui purus, tristique a sem cursus, sollicitudin rutrum nunc. In tempor nunc id magna malesuada, id ornare enim imperdiet. Mauris suscipit dignissim libero sit amet venenatis. Nulla malesuada dui sed turpis congue auctor. Nam et imperdiet augue, mattis sollicitudin tellus. Quisque magna odio, tristique id ligula fringilla, ullamcorper mollis odio.

    Phasellus vel facilisis lectus, a aliquet arcu. Fusce non quam viverra, semper erat non, rutrum nisi. Nulla porta rhoncus arcu, vel faucibus nisi dictum eget. Nam faucibus diam arcu, at blandit

  • We need your help!

    Aenean sagittis tortor quis nisl aliquet at rutrum nisi posuere. Ut sollicitudin congue orci sed aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi rutrum, elit ac fermentum egestas, tortor ante vestibulum est, eget scelerisque nisl velit eget tellus. Fusce porta facilisis luctus. Integer neque dolor, rhoncus nec euismod eget, pharetra et tortor. Nulla id pulvinar nunc. Vestibulum auctor nisl vel lectus ullamcorper sed pellentesque dolor eleifend.

    Get In Touch
  • “ Kids eat the fruit and veg, battles against fat, sugar and oil and gain the powers of the fruit and veg they have eaten ... ”
    Shalby, our strawberry character
  • “ Apple fruit is notable for its impressive list of phtyto-nutrients, and anti-oxidants. Studies suggest that its components are essential for normal growth, development and overall well-being. ”
    ATTICUS CRUNCH, our apple character
  • “ A banana gives a sustained and substantial boost of energy - that’s why they are a favourite choice for cyclists, footballers and other athletes looking for a quick source of carbohydrate. The riper a banana, the quicker it is digested and converted to muscle fuel. Athletes love to eat bananas before sport, at breaks during a tennis game, and to recover quickly from sport. ”
    Benson Peelright, our banana character

Meet our heroes!

Mrs Mumkin

Mother, who looks after peas and is their teacher at school and good at calming everyone down. Can turn into a scary Halloween pumpkin, doubles in size and shoots seeds at enemies.

shelby strawberry

Sweet, loyal good friend, kind, thoughtful. Can tap dance out of the way of the way of enemies attacks, and throws sharp leaves like Frisbee blades.

olly orange

Honest, earnest, moral, polite. Can break into separate pieces, and all the wedges work together like a team, and corner enemies in a circle, and squirt acidic juice at them.

penelope pineapple

Loves the sun, smiles a lot, hula dances. Can shoot spiky leaves at enemies.

cosmo cauliflower

Old, wise, gives good advice. Can shoot sprouts out of his fists after he punches them from far away.

barbara peel

Enthusiastic, funny, like to be the centre of attention, silly, energetic. Trips people over by laying on the groud, and they slip on his peel. Can use peel as a parachute.

travis tart

Plays tricks on others, cheeky, fun-loving. Can skate really fast, and can squirt tomato sauce at enemies.

paddy pear

Cool surfer dude, very chilled out and calm. Always happy, smiles a lot.

angelina guacamolie

Feisty and a good fighter, does karate, likes knives, uses martial arts moves as defence. Shoots out stone, which grows into a huge boulder, which squashes enemies.
Eating plenty of vegetables, legumes and fruits as recommended in the Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia, ensures adequate intake of nutrients and phytochemicals. Examples of phytochemical action through variety include green leafy vegetables providing folate, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables for carotenoids, and red tomatoes, cherries and currants for lycopene and anthocyanin.

What's Up?

The new grocery!
The new grocery store is a fun and exciting place where you can get lots of yummy foods!
Welcome to our Library!
In our new Library you can find many ways to learn all about whatmakes your brain and body grow healthy.
Important day!
by: Penelope
Today is a big basketball showdown between the Junkfood Bandits and the home team Pyramid Power.
Fun Farm Games
by: Paddy
Fun Farm Games are coming! See you soon!
Night of the Noxicity Monster
by: Shalby
An enormous battle of war and peas begins. But our hero doesn’t just cry, whine, or refuse to swallow. He turns into...
Happy Meals Get Healthier
by: Olly
Are Happy Meals soon to become Healthy Meals? Well, at least healthier: McDonald's, under pressure from nutrition advocates, will add a serving of fruit or vegetables to all of the children's meals, the LA Times reports.

Be Brave! Join us in the Battle!